Home Air Filters

5 Reasons Why You Should Buy High End Home Air Filters

Monday, March 3, 2008

Do you own an air purifier?  If you do, there is a good chance that you will need to buy replacement filters after a period of time.  When it comes to doing so, many are surprised that they do have a number of different options.  In addition the manufacturers who make air purifiers, there are also other companies who make replacement filters, for many of the most popular brands.  If you do have a choice, you will want to examine high end home air filters.  This is because high end home air filters have a number of benefits.  Five reasons why they should be purchased are outlined below.

1 – Better Brands

A large number of the manufacturers of home air purifiers and home air filters are well known companies.  Even companies that specialize in replacement parts, such as filters, are becoming well known.  Not just any company making air filters can claim to be a high end manufacturer and truly mean it.  What does this mean for it?  It means that by searching for high end home air filters online, you are likely to find and be paired with quality, dependable brands.  As for how you can go about finding these brands, you can perform a standard internet search.  When doing so, it may be best to search with targeted phrases such as “high end home air filters,” “best air filters,” and so forth.

2 – Better Results

High end air filters for the home are likely to produce better results.  These results should include cleaner air, especially when working in conjunction with a high end air purifier.  As it was previously stated, a maker of air filters cannot claim to be a high quality manufacturer unless they are, at least that is how it should be.  To help you determine if you are truly buying a quality and dependable air filter, you can turn to the internet for help.  There are number of websites that allow internet users to rate and review products.  See if you can find any ratings or reviews for the high end air filters that you are looking to purchase.

3 – Last Longer

As previously stated, high end air filters have a number of benefits.  One of those benefits is that they tend to last longer.  This is because quality, high end products are often known for their strength and durability and the same should be said for air filers.  When examining high end air filters, you will find that most should have a longer use rate.  This is important, as it can help get you more value for your money.  Getting a good value for your money is important, as higher end products do tend to cost more.

4 – Number of Different Options

As stated above, many buyers have a number of different options when looking to buy high end replacement filters for air purifiers.  This is because a number of companies specialize in making and selling replacement parts, including air filters.  It is also important to note that many of the companies that make and sell air purifiers, furnaces, and air conditioners also make and sell filters too.  As a reminder, when examining high end home air filters, be sure to examine ratings and reviews, but also examine costs. 

5 – Ease of Finding and Buying

The ability to easily find, compare, and buy high end air filters is another benefit to buying them.  Although buying high quality air filters can be a little bit more difficult than buying any cheap brand, it is more than possible to do so.  Many shoppers see the best success when shopping online. This is because online shopping gives many access to multiple retailers and the ability to quickly compare those retailers and their prices.  As for shopping locally, home improvement stores are one of the best places to get high end air filters, as well as high end heaters, air conditioning units, and air purifiers, as they are more focused on quality than costs, when compared to many department stores.

Air Purifiers and Air Filters for Travelers. Are They Worth the Money?

Do you do a lot of traveling?  If you do, you may be concerned about the air that you are breathing inside your hotel room.  This may especially be the case if you suffer from asthma or allergies.  If you do, you may be curious about air purifiers and air filters that are designed for travelers.  As nice as a concept as they do sound, you may be curious as to whether or not they work or if they are worth the money.

When it comes to determining if travel sized air purifiers are worth the money, you will find that it depends.  With that said, typically, most are encouraged to save their money.  For more information on why, please continue reading on.

When examining air purifiers, especially those that are considered high end home air purifiers, you will find that most are relatively large in size.  Although air purifiers and filters are becoming more compact, you will find that most are still a decent size.  For example, tower shaped air purifiers are thin, but they are still somewhat small. Desktop air purifiers are the same way, unless flat, so they do still take up a considerable amount of space. On the other hand, travel size air purifiers are extremely small in size.  This impacts the size filter that can be used.  Smaller filters can easily become clogged or not capture all particles in the air.

Despite the fact that air purifiers are on average a decent size, that hasn’t stopped some companies from selling small travel sized purifiers.  As for what you will find, it will vary.  For example, some are much smaller versions of desktop air purifiers that are lightweight and easy to transport.  Also, did you know that you can actually wear some travel sized air purifiers like a necklace?  You can, as there are some versions available for sale.

As for travel sized air purifiers that can be worn like a necklace, it does should like a pretty neat idea, although some say that there are dangers associated with certain brands, especially when they are worn too close.  You can see this by reading reviews of these necklace-like air purifiers online.  There are cases where some consumers felt ill after wearing them for extend periods of time.  This is something that should cause you to be concerned.

Smaller, travel sized air purifiers that resemble desktop air purifiers are nice, but most cannot be considered high end.  Typically, it depends on the brand and whether or not HEPA air filters are used.  In all honesty, if you truly need to have cleaner air, it may be best to bring a high end compact air purifier from home with you.  Of course, be cautious when doing so; be sure to pack well.  Since high end home air purifiers are expensive, you will not want damage yours.

A great alternative to investing in travel sized air purifiers that may not work is by carefully choosing your hotel.  First, ask if air purifiers are used in the hotel rooms.  Some hotels do now use them, especially after being wished for by guest.  If you cannot find a hotel that uses an air purifier, be sure to choose a room where pets and smoking are not allowed, as this often means that the room’s air is much more cleaner.

When to Replace the Filters

Are you using an air purifier to help keep the air in your home clean or to help reduce the symptoms of allergies or asthma?  If you are, does your air purifier operate with an air filter?  If does, do you know when your air filter needs to be replaced?  Unfortunately, many people do not.  Did you know, however, that a dirty air filter can impact the way that a high end home air purifier is able to do its job?  It can and that is why it is important to know when your air filters need to be replaced.

If you haven’t already bought an air purifier for your home or if you are looking to upgrade your current system, consider buying one with an automatic sensor.  This will automatically let you know when the air filter should either be replaced or cleaned.  Air filters that can be cleaned are commonly referred to as washable air filters.  Depending on the make or model, a light should turn on or an alarm-like noise will sound when the air filter needs to be replaced.

Another easy way that you can tell that your air purifier needs a replacement filter is by following the manufacturer’s guidelines.  If you are still using the original air filter, refer to your air purifier owner’s manual.  This should tell you how often the air filter should be replaced.  There are a number of benefits to this approach, as it can also help to ensure that your air is being properly cleaned, per the guidelines set by the manufacturer.  If you cannot find your owner’s manual, you may be able to find a copy online.  You can try this by performing a standard internet search with the make and model.

If you are already using a replacement air filter, refer to the information on that filter.  This information is often right on the package.  Some will list an estimated time frame in which the high end air filter in question is likely to produce the best results.  If your air filter is a different brand then the air purifier that you use, you may notice a difference from what was listed in your owner’s manual.  Many find the best results when following the directions and time frames listed on replacement air filters and their packages.

Checking the air filter is another way that you can decide if it should be cleaned or if a replacement filter is needed.  This should be easy, as most air filters are easy to find and remove, as well as put back in.  When checking an air filter, it is important to make sure that it is clean or at least semi-clean.  If there is no room for toxins and other particulates to attach to the filter, chances are a replacement is needed.

If you or someone else notices that the air quality is decreasing in your home, a high end replacement filter may be needed.  Although anyone may be able to notice a decrease in air quality, especially home occupants, those who suffer from asthma or allergies are the best at determining whether or not an air filter replacement is needed.  This is because air filters working with air purifiers to the best of their capabilities are known to reduce the symptoms and outbreaks of allergies and asthma.  When a sufferer starts displaying symptoms again, the air filter should be examined and possibly replaced.

As highlighted above, there are a number of different ways that you can go about determining if you need to change the high end air filter on your air purifier.  As a reminder, the easiest way to do so is to purchase a high end air purifier that automatically lets you know when a change as needed.  As for why air filter replacements are important, they help to keep the air truly cleaned.  If an air purifier cannot work, you are essentially losing money. 

Are High End Filter-Free Air Purifiers Really a Better Deal?

Whether you watch television, read magazines, or use the internet, there is a good chance that you have seen advertisements for air purifiers that do not require the use of replacement air filters.  These advertisements often claim that you can save a considerable amount of money overtime with the purchase of a filter-free high end air purifier.  Although this is true in many cases, many consumers are left wondering if air purifiers that do not need replacements are really a good deal.

When it comes to determining if filter-free air purifiers are really a good deal, there are a number of important points that you will want to take into consideration. These points, a few of which are touched on below, can help you decide what type of high end air purifier you should purchase for your home.

One point that you will want to take into consideration is your use.  Are you looking to temporarily clean the air, like if you have family staying at your home for about a week or two?  If one of those family members is a smoker or if a family pet will be coming too, you may not need to invest in a high end filter-free air purifier.  This is because filter-free air purifiers do work, but they are costly.  With that being said, their costs do pay off overtime.  This is because you do not have to purchase potentially costly replacement filters.  However, if you do not plan on using a filter-free air purifier on a daily basis, the extra costs may not be worth it to you.

When looking to purchase a high end filter-free air purifier, how much you are willing to spend upfront should also be taken into consideration.  As previously stated, air purifiers that do not need replacement filters, especially those that are considered high end systems, do cost more money.  Depending on the brand and where you make your purchase from, you could easily spend thousands of dollars on a high end filter-free air purifier.  As previously stated, can see a return on your investment in a few years, but it is important that you first have the money to spend.  If not, you should still examine high end air purifiers, as they are known for their strength, durability, better and long lasting results, but those with filters tend to be more affordable.

Another important point to take into consideration when looking to buy a high end filter-free air purifier for the home is quality.  Since filter-free air purifiers make the most out of new technology and they are known for their results, many assume that they are all considered high end products.  This isn’t necessarily true anymore due to knockoffs.  Many companies have seen how well filter-free air purifiers have sold, so they try to make their own.  Unfortunately, many do not use quality materials or the same technology.  That is why you will want to make sure that you purchase a true high end filter-free air purifier.  One great way to do this is by using the internet to your advantage.

When looking to research high end filter-free air purifiers, you will want to perform a standard internet search.  If you already have a make and model in mind, perform your standard internet search with that information.  If not, you should use search phrases like “air purifiers with no filters,” “high end filter-free purifiers,” or “best filter less air purifiers.”  The results that you will find may be links to websites were air purifiers are being reviewed or sold.  Wherever your internet search takes you to, be sure to read reviews online and examine ratings.  This will help to ensure that you spend your money wisely.

Finally, the space that you need to clean should be examined.  Are you looking to clean the air in one or two rooms or your whole house?  It is also important to examine the CADR.  This is the Clean Air Delivery Rate.  This is the rate in which an air purifier can clean the air inside your home.  It is best if you choose a high end air purifier with a higher CADR.

Can High End Home Purifiers for Homes Work for Business?

Are you a business owner who is looking to improve the health of your customers and employees?  If you are, you may be interested in buying an air purifier to use in your establishment.  If you are, you may turn to high end home air purifiers.  Air purifiers that are designed for the home are known for their affordability, but will they work for a commercial setting?

When it comes to determining if a high end home air purifier will work for a business setting, you will find that it all honestly depends.  If you are a business owner or the person who is responsible for making all office related purchases, there are a number of important questions that you will first want to ask yourself.  These questions should help you determine which type of air purifier should be bought for your establishment.

One of the many questions that you will want to ask yourself is how large of a space do you want to clean the air of?  When answering this question, it is important to proceed with caution and be fair.  For example, you will not want to treat and clean the air of one department, but not the other.  The same can be said for retail stores.  The whole establishment should be treated, not just the sales floor, as you do not want to give the impression that you care more about your customers than your employees.

Returning back to the size of space that you need to clean, it is important to remember that air purifiers do come in a number of different formats.  For example, there are high end home air purifiers that are designed for single rooms, multi-rooms or the whole house.  If you can run a small office setting, it is possible to purchase a single room or multi-room air purifier, but you will also want to keep the CADR in mind.  If you want to purchase whole house air purifiers, which are designed for large spaces, you can do so.  With that being said, it may be best to examine those that are designed for commercial spaces.

As stated above, you do have the option of using multiple air purifiers for individual rooms or offices.  Before doing so, it is important to look at the number of systems that are needed and their costs.  It is no secret that high end home air purifiers, including those for small rooms, cost more money.  Although these costs are more than worth it, it is important to examine how much you will end up spending.  Depending on what you purchase, you could easily end up spending around $500 to $1,000 on an air purifier.  As a quick comparison, many commercial air purifiers, which are often designed for larger spaces, tend to start at around $4,000.  Whatever approach you take, just make sure that you don’t end up losing money.

As for why you should purchase an air purifier for your business, it is important to know the benefits of them.  As for the benefits that can benefit businesses the most, they can help to reduce sick time and they can also help to improve productivity.  For example, those who suffer from allergies and asthma are likely to experience fewer symptoms when air purifiers are used, especially those with HEPA filters.  Also, consider outfitting your establishment with an air purifier as a good deed.  You are providing your clients and employees with good, clean air.  In fact, if this is known, it can help to improve your public perception.

Cheap Air Purifiers versus High End Air Purifiers

Do you suffer from asthma or allergies or would you just like to make sure that the air inside your home is clean?  If you would, you may be interested in buying an air purifier.  If you are, you will find that you have a number of different options.  Two of your main options involve buying a cheap air purifier or a high end air purifier.  As for which one is the best, you will find that high end air purifiers come highly rated and recommended.

When it comes to shopping, we all want to save money. That is a given.  Of course, no one wants to pay more money than they need to, but it is important to proceed with caution where air purifiers are considered.  For more information on why, please continue reading on.

Air purifiers are systems in the home that cleans the air.  They, essentially, make your home a safer place to be.  For example, most homes have more toxins and pollutants inside than there is outside.  This is amazing and scary all at the same time.  Air purifiers all help to clean the air, but it is important to know that not just any air purifier will do.  For example, did you know that high end home air purifiers that use HEPA filters tend to trap and remove about 90% of the particles from the air.  This number is significantly higher than the numbers that you will find associated with many cheaper, lower quality air purifiers.

When shopping, you have likely heard the phrase “you get what you pay for.”  Although this phrase is commonly overused, it is true.  On average, a high end single or multi-room air purifier can cost around $300 to $500.  Cheaper air purifiers cost much less.  In fact, they typically start at around $50.  Although buying an air purifier for about $50 does sound nice, what do you think that you will get out of it?  In all honesty, you have to look at it from the standpoint of a manufacturer.  If some are able to sell their air purifiers for hundreds or even thousands of dollars, why aren’t they all selling for that much money?  It is because the quality is different.

As for why high end home air purifiers are recommended, you will find that they tend to save you money overtime.  This is something that many consumers are surprised with, as many do not think to take the long-term cost of owning an air purifier into consideration.  Typically, you will find that high end home air purifiers last longer.  This, alone, can save you money.  It is also important to look at the filters used.  Cheaper air purifiers often need to have filters replaced on a monthly basis and this can get very costly.  On the other hand, some high end air purifiers only need to have their filters replaced a couple of times a year, if that.

If you are turned of by the cost of high end air purifiers for the home, don’t be.  You should look at it as an investment that you will likely see a return on.  That return may be more money in your pocket, as you often need to replace your purifier and filters less.  It is also important to look at it from health side.  High end air purifiers can provide those who suffer from asthma and allergies with relief. 

Factors to Consider When Buying High End Air Purifiers

Air purifiers are increasing in popularity.  Their sales have increased over the past few years.  While there are a number of different reasons for this, you will find that most are centered on or around health.  Air purifiers are a great and relatively affordable way to clean the air of a home.  This is perfect and in many cases a must for those suffering from allergies and asthma. 

If you decide to purchase an air purifier for your home, you will want to go with a high end air purifier.  This is because high end purifiers have a number of benefits.  These benefits tend to include quality air purifiers that produce the best results, at a quicker rate of speed, and for a longer period of time.  Since there are a number of benefits to high end air purifiers, you may be interested in making a purchase.  When doing so, however, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration.

When looking to buy a high end air purifier, one factor that should be taken into consideration that of CADR.  CADR is the abbreviation that is used to describe the Clean Air Delivery Rate.  This is important, as it can help you determine which sized high end air purifier you need to purchase.  As for what this means, the higher the CADR number, the easier it will be for a room to get clean air.  Many home improvement stores recommend taking the square footage of a home or a room and multiplying it by .75.  This will give you the CADR that should be purchased.

Air filters are another one of the many factors that should be taken into consideration when looking to buy a high end air purifier.  Some air purifiers are filter-free.  Although these filter-free purifiers have increased in popularity, many still like buying those with filters.  When doing so, it is important to proceed with caution.  What you will want to do is determine how long an air filter is likely to last.  Next, examine the costs.  High end air purifiers and air filters are likely to cost more money, but you shouldn’t have to spend thousands of dollars each year.  Look for HEPA air filters, as they come highly rated and recommended.  HEPA air filters are also considered high end air filters.

Reputation, ratings, and reviews should also be taken into consideration.  If you are looking for a high end air purifier, you may want to first examine brands.  Be sure that you choose a high end brand or at least one that is trusted and known for their good reputation and quality products.  If you are looking to buy based on model number, price, or size, be sure to first examine ratings and reviews.  This is important.  Just because an air purifier or an air filter is high priced, it doesn’t mean that it can be considered high end, in terms of performance.

Another factor that should be taken into consideration, when looking to buy a high end purifier, is that of purchase points.  Purifiers are sold through a number of different retailers.  There are some high end air purifier manufacturers who sell their own products on their own online websites, but many still allow their products to be sold through other retailers.  If you are interested in shopping locally, your best bet is to shop at a home improvement store.  Department stores and discount stores do sell air purifiers, but they tend to be cheap and poor in quality. 

As highlighted above, there are a number of important factors that should be taken into consideration when looking to buy a high end air purifier.  As a quick recap, these factors include CADR, purchase points, needed air filters, and reputation, ratings, and reviews.  By keeping these important points in mind, when making your purchase, you are likely to purchase a quality high end air purifier that can keep the air in your home clean for years to come.